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Higher education institution ‘Banja Luka College’ invites you to participate at the First international scientific conference Media and contemporary economy.


Under the name ‘Global media and socially responsible business’


For participation on First scientific conference Media and contemporary economy, that will take place 15th September 2015 on Higher education institution ‘BANJA LUKA COLLEGE’ in Banja Luka.

Organizers of Conference are Higher education institution ‘Banja Luka College’ and Faculty for management in Sremski Karlovci, University ‘Union Nikola Tesla’ Belgrade.

Members of the scientific committee come from Russia, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatian, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The theme of this Conference is ‘Global media and socially responsible businesses’

That Higher education institution ‘Banja Luka College’ organizes the Conference as part of celebration of the decade of work.

We invite you to present your experiences and scientific findings that you came through the research process to scientists and professionals from different fields as part of the major theme for the papers:

  • Technological innovation and global media
  • Challenges of technological innovations
  • Global media and young people
  • Corporative capitalism and media
  • Public broadcasting service in market economy
  •  Corporative social responsibility
  • Media and politics relation
  • Role and significance of media in contemporary economy
  • Education and global media


We invite you to take part in this Conference, with or without paper. Participants who will take part in this conference with the paper should send an application of the paper in the attached form on email medijiiekonomija@blc.edu.ba (subject: international conference) or via site medjijiiekonomija.blc.edu.ba


Instruction for authors:

  • Paper for scientific conference should not be longer than 10 pages A -4 form, written in mother tongue and / or English language (Times New Roman, 11 pt, spacing 1,5, margins 2,5).
  • Papers should be adjusted to instruction for authors of magazine Aktuelnosti, that could be found at web site http://aktuelnosti.blc.edu.ba/autori/uputstvo-za-autore/


Participation for Conference for the authors is 50 KM (25 €), and for the co-authors 30 KM (15 €), and it is necessary to pay it at the account of BLC number


Participation for the authors

Participation for the co-authors

Participation for Masters and Doctorial studies Students

Participation for participants without paper


50 KM (25€)

30 KM (15€)

30 KM (15€)

20 KM (10 €)


  • For abstract                                                         15.6.2015.
  • For complete paper                                             15.7.2015.
  • For reviews and replies to the authors                01.8.2015.
  • For participation payment                                              15.8.2015.

All the papers will be printed prior to the Conference in the Book of Abstracts, and before the Conference in the magazine Aktuelnosti which is, according to the decision of the Ministry for science and technology in the Government of Republic of Srpska, on the categorized list. ISSN 0354-9852

The costs of accommodation will pay the participants of the Conference, and details on suggested accommodation could be found on the web site of Touristic organisation of  Banja Luka http://www.banjaluka-tourism.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=113:hotel-bosna&Itemid=64&lang=en